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eLearning Software That Works!

Learning Management Systems FAQ

What is a Learning Management System - LMS?

A Learning Management Systems (LMS) is a piece of downloadable and/or cloud-based software that allow businesses, teachers and institutions to create interactive courses for individual or groups of students or learners. With an LMS, instead of creating a standalone PowerPoint, users can put a range of materials together and then use the programme to turn them into a course that can be reused for groups of learners, and even be white-labelled and sold as a pay-per-user course.

What Is “blended” learning?

Blended learning is an approach that encourages learning through several different methods – a blend. This includes autonomous learning (self-paced, individual study), real-time (face-to-face or lectures), group activities and a range of different interactive learning materials. With blended learning, some of the focus is on asynchronous learning, meaning that individual students take control of the pace and pathway that they embark upon, rather than everyone learning at a single pace.

What is SCORM?

SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) is not a useable piece of software; it is technical standard that ensures that eLearning content is compatible with specific LMSs. SCORM is the industry standard in eLearning and as such, is the best way to ensure that content you create will be compatible with the LMS you use.

What is eLearning?

The “e” in eLearning stands for stands for “electronic”. eLearning is the provision of some or all of an educational course through online means. In the technological age, eLearning has become increasingly important for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for a wider variety of activities and interaction. Secondly, it means that courses can be done on huge scales and across multiple locations. Finally, because it is more engaging due to it involving technology, which is the main method of communication and interaction in modern life.
What is Gamification?”]
Gamification is using games – puzzles, quizzes, tests etc. to facilitate learning. The idea of gamification is to add variety, incentive through certificates or competition, and a change of pace to the learning experience. Through gamification, students receive a challenge that they can complete, which is motivating and gives them a tangible idea of how they are doing in terms of achievement; it also provides valuable data for tutors and course administrators.

What is responsive design?

Responsive design is a function that most content creation sites now offer as standard, as it means that sites created on desktops can be ported over to mobile versions. As mobile devices are now the number one method of media engagement in the world, responsive design is now extremely important.

What are 3rd party integrations?

Third-party integration, or API integration, refers to whether content or applications developed as standalone material will interact with a certain platform or now. To interact successfully with another system of piece of software, third-party applications must be able to access certain information, such as databases, times, dates etc. For LMSs, third-party integration means that content developed separately will work with their system.

What is the difference between LMS and eLearning?

eLearning is a broad term that encompasses any kind of online learning within an educational experience. An LMS, or Learning Management System, however, is a software platform on which eLearning tools and activities can be developed.

What is the difference between LMS and LCMS?

LMS stands for Learning Management System. It is a system that allows people to store, deliver and track learning content for individuals or groups, in the form of courses or content items. However, LCMS stands for Learning Content Management System. An LCMS is a collaborative content development system that allows tutors or course creators to create and store learning content. An LMS is what a learner uses to participate in and complete a course, where an LCMS is what a course administrator or tutor uses to develop content.

Best LMS software
